Project Shema Public Forum:
Understanding the American Progressive Movement & Israel
August 23 I 7pm - 8:30pm
8485 Ridge Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45236
Mayerson JCC I The Amberley Room
Desserts and light refreshments will be served.
Many in our Jewish community are concerned about the direction and intensity of the debate over Israel/Palestine. Some claim antisemitism is to blame; others place the blame on Israel. The truth is obviously more complex. Join us to gain a better, nuanced understanding of the ideas that shape this potent discourse and what it means for engagements around Israel and/or antisemitism.
Project Shema is an independent nonprofit organization that provides training and support to help the American Jewish community and allies navigate the challenging discourse around Israel/Palestine and antisemitism on the American left. Named after the Hebrew word which means “to hear”, “listen”, or “understand”, Project Shema works to deepen understanding and build bridges across communities.